Prosimed S.r.l. - Via della Magliana, 295 - 00146 - Roma - Tel. e fax +39 0655264728 - P. IVA 13929861006
Balkan traction systems
In Orthopedics and traumatology these kinds of traction are applied to bed to allow a stabile anchor for a multitude of tractions for a polytraumatized patient.  Usually the kind of Balkan traction is choose in base of the seize of the patient or which kind of traction is required. These traction systems are anchored in the headboard and in the footboard and the basic versions are two: Single Bar and Castle. The first one is only a simple and single bar usually utilized for simple tractions like: lateral traction for Homerus code 110-0003. The Castle balkan traction is often used for the traction of pelvis, lumbar, or wherever its required a stabile anchor or there is a polytraumatized patient who requires more than one traction at the same time. Usually the traction Balkan systems require a solid footboard and Headboard, but more often the hospital’s bed have their protections in plastic material and their shape is often rounded. Our system avoid these kind of problems anchoring directly on the metal structure of the bed and using rotating clamps. These systems are entirely made in Aluminum for the structure while the clamps are a mix between stainless steel and Aluminum. All the codes have inside the basic components for Simple or Castle Balkan system, but all these products are modular. So in case of multiple purchases you don’t need to have more basic systems. The utilize of these systems is allowed only to authorized personal.
The Simple Balkan system
The Castle balkan traction The Balkan lateral traction for homerus system The Balkan traction for homerus with armheld system The Balkan Lumbar traction with pelvic belt system The Balkan pelvis traction system Balkan for lower limb traction The Balkan cervical traction system Components and accessories HOME HOME ABOUT US ABOUT US NEWS NEWS PRODUCTS PRODUCTS CONTACTS CONTACTS WHERE ARE WE WHERE ARE WE