Prosimed S.r.l. - Via della Magliana, 295 - 00146 - Roma - Tel. e fax +39 0655264728 - P. IVA 13929861006
Components and accessories
The simple bars have length 250 cm (code 110-0054) and they are used to link the footboard-headboard. This link it’s possible through the utilization of a clamp of the vertical bar (cod 110-0049). All the bars are realized by a specific profile with octagonal shape and scaling for the rapid anchor for components like pulleys.
The bars with clamp 150 cm (code 110-0049) and 80 cm (code 110- 0047) are used for the vertical side of the structure. In the bottom side there is a clamp to fix on the metal structure of the bed, meanwhile in the highest part of these bar there is another clamp to block the simple bar in horizontal position.
The simple bars of 80 cm (code 110-0051) is usually used as link to patient-structure or to link the horizontal bars of castle system.
The angular bar (code 110-0055) is applied in case of traction on patient with heavy loads. They are made in Stainless steel and their dimensions are 50x50 cm
Double clamp (code 110-0035) is entirely made in stainless steel and it links the bars each other perpendically.
The Bottom Clamp for anchor (code 110-0024) is entirely made in stainless steel and its counterpart the top Clamp (code 110-0033), too. These Clamps are the reason of the stabilization of system. The Bottom clamp is fixed to the bar but with regularization of the top Clamp it’s possible to anchor the system itself on any kind of bed. Each clamp have silicone cover to avoid make signs on the boards of the bed.
Articulated upper clamp (code 110-0034) it’s a variant of code 110-0033 with the great difference that in this case it’s possible to anchor the system on a rounded board of the bed.
Armholder for lateral traction of the homerus (code 110-0040) it hase a surface of aluminum to place the arm. 
Tabletop 30x20 cm (code 110-0039) it’s a surface of aluminum easily to anchor and usable for a lot of purposes.
Hooks for IV Bags (code 110-0038) are applied in a easy and quick way directly on the bars.
Pulleys with safe (code 110-0025) it’s possible to insert rapidly in the gloove of the bars. It’s entirely made in stainless steel and a pulley of diameter 40 mm. It’s variant is the orientable pulley (code 110-0022).
It’s variant is the orientable pulley (code 110-0022).
Arch to pull-up the patient (code 110-0015) it’s entirely made in stainless steel 
These kind of strips for hammock are made in Poliestere and there are 3 sizes: Small (code 110-0014), Medium (code 110-0013) and Large(code 110-0012)
These kind of corset for pelvic tractions are made in Poliestere with snatch and there are 3 sizes: Small (code 110-0028), Medium (code 110-0027) and Large(code 110-0026).
The handheld is radiotrasparent and it’s used for lateral traction of the homerus. It’s done in Polyester with snatch and Polycarbonate. There are two seizes: for adults: code 120-0004 and for child: 120-0003.
The Radio-Transparent Ankle Pad is used for lower limb traction is made of polycarbonate and polyester with padding and Velcro straps. It is equipped with two pullers that can be connected to the pulley system, rope and weights. Four sizes are available Adult Single cod.110-0043 Adult Double cod.110-0041 Pediatric Single cod.110-0044 Pediatric Double cod.110-0042.
Cervical Traction Chinstraps single use code 110-0032
Cervical Traction Chinstraps multiple use code 110-0031
Cervical Traction Chinstraps is made of polyester fabric reinforced by polycarbonate and is fitted with a connection to a metal bar that with a system of pulleys, ropes and weights exerts traction. It is available for single use or multiple use.